Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ultrasound Images Of Implantation

trees ...

... 're generally a fine thing.
Nu our house is very close to a mini-grove .
But if, as so often lately the storms are raging, you can already
respect for the giants.
Not to say, you get scared when they
so much sway in the wind and turn ...
allowed after consultation with the Parks Commission, we now make
11 trees. to plant with the new edition of 5.

While the trees as one by one, fell
it seems very uncomfortable ... whether it was the right decision.
The man from the parks department told us that the
trees (poplars) would be about 30 years old, able-bodied, the
would still be the next 100 years .... mh

When the first trees were like, came the
tree shove and said, you have really lived
dangerous! The trees were sometimes from within
totally rotten, eaten and black ...

My gut feeling is much better ...
the realization of having yet made the right decision.


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